FAQ Level 3 Award for First Responders on Scene: Emergency First Responder (RQF) FROS® - Online Blended Part 1

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Excessive Blood Loss

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2 min 9 sec
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Recognizing and Treating Blood Loss: First Aid Guide

Understanding Blood Loss

Hidden Threat: Excessive blood loss doesn't always involve visible skin injuries; it can occur internally with fractures or organ damage.

Impact of Fractures: Even when the skin remains intact, a broken thigh bone can lead to blood loss of up to one litre; if there's an external bleed, this can escalate to one to two litres.

Pelvic Fractures: Pelvic fractures can range from minor blood loss to severe cases where a person can lose all their blood, as the main femoral artery passes over the pelvis.

Organ Injuries: Injuries to organs such as the spleen, liver, or chest can result in varying levels of blood loss, from minimal to total.

Recognizing Blood Loss

Challenging Recognition: Identifying severe blood loss can be difficult. It's wise to assume the worst and treat accordingly due to the challenges of assessing both external and internal bleeding.

Factors Affecting Recognition: Various factors like age, size, weight, medical conditions, fitness, and medications can influence how signs and symptoms manifest, potentially masking them until the situation becomes critical.

Assessment and Response

Collect Information: Gather details about the incident history and assess the injury mechanism.

Watch for Signs: Keep an eye out for these signs:

  • Pale, Cold, Sweaty Skin
  • Rapid Breathing (Over 20 breaths per minute)
  • Thirst
  • Rapid Pulse (Over 100 beats per minute)
  • Altered Mental State
  • Anxiety, Confusion, Drowsiness, Restlessness
  • Unconsciousness

Emergency Treatment

Immediate Actions:

  1. Activate Emergency Services: Call for professional help.
  2. Treat External Bleeding: Address any visible external bleeding.
  3. Identify Internal Bleeding: Attempt to determine if there is internal bleeding.

Position and Monitor:

  1. Lay Down: Place the individual on their back.
  2. Raise Legs (If Possible): Elevate their legs if feasible.
  3. Keep Warm: Ensure they stay warm.
  4. Monitor Consciousness and Vital Signs: Continuously assess their consciousness and vital signs.
Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit three LO3.1, 3.2, 3.3 & 3.4