First Aid Responder Level 3 (VTQ)

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Using EpiPen: Anaphylaxis Treatment

The EpiPen and EpiPen Junior

Essential Anaphylaxis Equipment:

The EpiPen is an auto-injector designed to deliver adrenaline swiftly during anaphylactic shock. It comes in two variants, the EpiPen and the EpiPen Junior.

Proper EpiPen Handling

Protective Storage:

When not in use, EpiPens must always be stored inside their protective cases to avoid accidents and maintain their integrity.

Clear Usage Instructions:

Each EpiPen is equipped with easy-to-read instructions along its side. It is crucial to read these instructions to ensure correct usage.

Safety Cap Awareness:

The blue cap, located at the top of the EpiPen, acts as a safety cover, preventing the needle from deploying when not in use. Removing the cap activates the device.

Replacing the Safety Cap:

While the cap can be replaced without using the EpiPen, it should be done carefully to prevent accidental adrenaline injection.

Administering the EpiPen

Proper Procedure:

When using the EpiPen, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the EpiPen from its case.
  2. Lie down with your legs slightly raised to maintain blood flow, or sit down if breathing is difficult.
  3. Remove the safety cap.
  4. Gently press the auto-injector against the thigh, even through clothing. Ensure the needle won't encounter thick seams or objects in pockets.
  5. Hold it in place for 3 seconds, then remove it.
  6. Remain in place until emergency services arrive. If treating an unconscious person, place them in the recovery position.

Needle Cover Safety:

After use, a needle cover will automatically protect the needle, preventing needle injuries.

Handover to Emergency Services:

Give the used EpiPen to emergency services after use for proper disposal and to provide details of the administered treatment. If a second dose is needed, repeat the process and inform emergency services accordingly.

Learning Outcomes:
  • IPOSi Unit four LO6.1, 6.2 & 6.3